Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm

At the Ohm, we are researching important issues that affect society and realising innovative ideas to create real and sustainable solutions. Our university has a strong impact in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region and beyond.


The Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm – or the Ohm – is one of the larg-est universities of applied sciences in Germany with approximately 13,000 students. We are a community encompassing thirteen Faculties and students from a wide variety of educa-tional, social, and cultural backgrounds.

Our students work on social and economic challenges and are educated to become compe-tent and open-minded individuals using diverse instructional and learning formats. Our ap-plication-oriented academic programmes lead to outstanding professional prospects for our graduates. Across a broad spectrum of disciplines, the Ohm offers accredited undergradu-ate and graduate degree programmes that are flanked by certificate programmes, part-time programmes for professionals, and cooperative education models.

At the Ohm, we are researching important issues that affect society and realising innovative ideas to create real and sustainable solutions. The university is well networked and collabo-rates with regional and international companies and partners. Through this network, the university has a strong impact in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region and beyond.

As a higher education institution, we shape our community and embrace our social respon-sibility; the Ohm is dedicated to being a place of opportunity for teaching, researching, and lifelong learning.

Your Contact Person(s)

Technische Hochschule Nürnberg

Keßlerplatz 12

90489 Nürnberg



Phone: 0911-5880-0


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