TI-Modellregion Franken

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Telematik-Modellregion Franken

gematik GmbH has awarded the “Mittel-, Ober- und Unterfranken” region the contract for the second teleinfrastructure model region in Germany. The TI model region of Franconia will be implemented by the consortium consisting of Bayern Innovativ Gesundheit, Medical Valley Europäische Metropolregion Nürnberg (EMN) e. V. and Monks – Ärzte im Netz GmbH. The overarching aim of the project is to establish and pilot digital applications and services of the telematics infrastructure in practice operations. The pilots will be monitored by the TI model region office and the experience gained will be scientifically evaluated. The results are incorporated into best-practice usage scenarios in the form of guidelines or user journeys, among other things, so that all users and stakeholders throughout Germany can benefit from them.

  • Establishment of a comprehensive pilot network consisting of a wide range of service provider institutions and other cooperation partners (e.g. health insurance companies and primary system manufacturers)
  • Running through several pilots to test TI applications in everyday healthcare settings
  • Creation of best-practice usage scenarios
  • Use and test existing TI applications and services (e.g. e-prescription or KIM) together in the pilot network
  • Test and trial new TI applications and services (e.g. TI messenger, eMedication plan) Provision and use of information and training services for users
  • Accelerate the digitalization of the region and be the “first mover” in TI applications and services

Project Responsibilities

Anna Goldsworthy

Strategic Project Lead

Lukas Carl

Project Management

Larissa Wolf

Project Management

Yvonne Dauer


Project Participants