Healthcare Hackathon Bayern – Behind the Scenes… Challenges 2 und 9

In unserer Interviewreihe zum Healthcare Hackathon Bayern erfahrt ihr mehr über die einzelnen Challenges!

Dieses Mal mit dabei: Prof. Dr. Stefanie Scholz und Prof. Dr. habil. Clemens Werkmeister, Challenge Owner der SRH Wilhelm Löhe Hochschule Challenge, und Sebastian Schroth, Challenge Owner einer der Siemens Healthineers Challenges

Falls ihr noch nicht angemeldet seid, könnt ihr das hier direkt nachholen!


Challenge 2: Building Bridges Between EMS and Hospitals with Automated Feedback Solutions

Imagine emergency medical teams like paramedics, who rush to help people in need. They make quick decisions about what might be wrong and start treatment right away. However, once they hand over the patient to the hospital, they rarely find out if their initial assessment was correct or how the patient turned out. This means they miss out on valuable feedback that could help them improve. This challenge is about creating a simple and automatic system that allows hospitals to send feedback to the emergency medical teams. This feedback would compare the paramedics‘ working assessment with the hospital’s final diagnosis and treatment results. The goal is to help paramedics learn and improve their skills continuously by understanding how accurate their working diagnosis were. In addition, paramedics improve their self-reflection about done or not-done prehospital treatments in relation to the clinical diagnosis.

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Challenge 9: Elevating Patient Education and Experience – Bridging the Gap to Accessible Care

In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, patients face an overwhelming influx of information. Imagine creating personalized digital assistants that offer tailored support, educating patients about their unique disease pathways and treatment plans. These intuitive companions would empower patients by providing accurate information at their fingertips, transforming the journeys from overwhelming to empowering. Your participation can lead to transformative changes, making healthcare accessible, understandable, and supportive across all facets of care.


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