Healthcare Hackathon Bayern – Vorstellung der Challenges 1 und 7


In unserer Vorstellungsreihe zum Healthcare Hackathon Bayern erfahrt ihr mehr über die einzelnen Challenges!
Dieses Mal mit: TUM (Technische Universität München) mit Challenge 1 und Klinik-IT eG mit Challenge 7.
Falls ihr noch nicht angemeldet seid, könnt ihr das hier direkt nachholen!


Challenge 1 – Quit addictions! (Technische Universität München)

Drugs, alcohol, smoking, social media, and many more addictions require nudges for prevention. Using personalized activity patterns with wearables, we identify early biomarkers to signal addicted to change their behavior. Nudges are behavioral interventions to subtly steer choices toward “desirable” options. With mobility pattern analysis of individuals using wearables, we determine the onset of addictive behavior and can use this time frame for nudges to gradually change the behavior.


Challenge 7 – Flex-Schedule: Dynamic waiting lists for hospital appointments (Klinik-IT eG)

Via the patient portal Mein-Krankenhaus.Digital, we connect over 100 hospitals with each other and with their patients. This allows patients to book appointments for treatments and register and prepare for them from home. But how do we deal with spontaneous absences? How can we bring together appointments that have become available at short notice and the needs of patients who are urgently waiting for treatment and are flexible in their scheduling?


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