Conference: “Staff shortage in the healthcare industry: How can digitalization, AI & robot-ics be part of the solution?

    • Di. 7. Mai 2024

      • 13:30 – 17:30
      • Bayern Innovativ GmbH
        Am Tullenaupark 8

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Date(s) - Di. 7. Mai 2024
13:30 - 17:30

Bayern Innovativ GmbH

Kategorien Keine Kategorien

As part of a German-Norwegian study trip, the conference on Tuesday, May 7th, 2024 (13:30 – 17:30) at Bayern Innovativ offices in Nuremberg brings together experts in healthcare digitalization from both countries. Germany and Norway face similar challenges, such as a short-age of qualified professionals. The focus of the conference will be on the exchange of ideas on how the countries can master the challenges related to staff shortage in healthcare more effectively by using digitalization, AI and robotics.

Norway and Germany are closely linked partners in the field of health technology. Germany established itself as a key import country for Norway in the field of medical technology. At the same time, Norway has made itself a name as a pioneer in digitalization and launched an export initiative for its health industry.

Expand your network and find new opportunities during the conference and the Beer & Brezel get-together afterwards.

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