dmac presents: „User acceptance of digital health solutions – an ethical & practical perspective“

    • Do. 7. Juli 2022

      • 10:30 – 12:00

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Date(s) - Do. 7. Juli 2022
10:30 - 12:00

Kategorien Keine Kategorien

The damc team is happy to invite you to the next „dmac presents“ event:

A great digital health solution is not necessarily successful. It might not be accepted by the patients or they may have reservations about the application, for example regarding data protection. This results in the following challenges for the manufacturer: How can issues such as fear and privacy be addressed in these applications? How can these issues be considered in a responsible way when designing a medical device (software and hardware)?

Together with Petra Widlroither, CX/UX Design Manager at Carepath Technologies, and Sijmen van Schagen, Scientific Communications Manager at dmac, the dmac team wants to shed light on these questions by means of both a practical example and ethical theories.

Further information and the possibility to register can be found here.

If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact dmac at


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