dmac presents: „User experience as a success factor for medical apps and DiGAs“

    • Di. 21. Juni 2022

      • 14:30 – 15:30

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Date(s) - Di. 21. Juni 2022
14:30 - 15:30

Kategorien Keine Kategorien

Together with fluidmobile and the dmac team, we would like to invite you to the next „dmac presents“ event:

When developing mobile software as a medical device (medical app or DiGA), usability and the actual user experience (UX) play a decisive role. Especially UX determines the brand perception and whether an application is recommended and prescribed – or quickly forgotten.

Together with Christoph Eberhardt, CEO of fluidmobile, we will discuss how UX as success factor can already be optimized in the early planning process of digital health solutions.

Format: digital, English language

Further information and the possibility to register can be found here.

If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact dmac at

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