Healthcare Hackathon Bayern – Hacken bis der Arzt kommt!

    • Do. 24. Okt. 2024 – Sa. 26. Okt. 2024

      • 16:00 – 19:30
      • Siemens Healthineers Innovation Center
        Henkestraße 127

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Date(s) - Do. 24. Okt. 2024 - Sa. 26. Okt. 2024
16:00 - 19:30

Siemens Healthineers Innovation Center

Kategorien Keine Kategorien

🚀🩺 Bist du bereit, den Gesundheitssektor in Deutschland durch innovative Ideen zu revolutionieren? Der Healthcare Hackathon bietet dir die perfekte Plattform, um gemeinsam mit anderen kreativen Köpfen fortschrittliche und innovative Lösungen zu entwickeln.

Der Hackathon beginnt am 24. Oktober mit einem Hacker-Dinner 🍽️, bei dem die Challenges präsentiert werden und du die Gelegenheit hast, dein Team sowie die Mentor:innen kennenzulernen. Ab dem 25. Oktober starten wir in die kreative Arbeitsphase: zwei Tage lang entwickeln wir innovative Konzepte und Technologien 💡. Am 26. Oktober wird es spannend: die Teams finalisieren ihre Projekte und präsentieren ihre Lösungen vor einer Jury, gefolgt von einer Preisverleihung 🏆.

Wir sind besonders stolz, dass Judith Gerlach, die bayerische Staatsministerin für Gesundheit, Pflege und Prävention, die Schirmherrschaft für diese Veranstaltung übernimmt. Unsere Sponsoren, das bayerische Staatsministerium für Gesundheit, Pflege und Prävention, Siemens Healthineers, Bionorica und Brainlab, unterstützen uns dabei, den Healthcare Hackathon Bayern zu einem Erfolg zu machen. Vielen Dank 🙌🏻



Folgende Challenges warten auf euch:

Drugs, alcohol, smoking, social media, and many more addictions require nudges for prevention. Using personalized activity patterns with wearables, we identify early biomarkers to signal addicted to change their behavior. Nudges are behavioral interventions to subtly steer choices toward “desirable” options. With mobility pattern analysis of individuals using wearables, we determine the onset of addictive behavior and can use this time frame for nudges to gradually change the behavior.

Imagine emergency medical teams like paramedics, who rush to help people in need. They make quick decisions about what might be wrong and start treatment right away. However, once they hand over the patient to the hospital, they rarely find out if their initial assessment was correct or how the patient turned out. This means they miss out on valuable feedback that could help them improve. This challenge is about creating a simple and automatic system that allows hospitals to send feedback to the emergency medical teams. This feedback would compare the paramedics‘ working assessment with the hospital’s final diagnosis and treatment results. The goal is to help paramedics learn and improve their skills continuously by understanding how accurate their working diagnosis were. In addition, paramedics improve their self-reflection about done or not-done prehospital treatments in relation to the clinical diagnosis.

Effective communication of medical information is crucial for patient com-prehension and engagement. The usability of the electronic patient record (ePA) could be enhanced by developing a translation app or tool that de-mystifies medical wording. Your challenge is to design an app or tool within the ePA that facilitates the translation and interpretation of medical data for patients and their relatives. This includes converting medical terminology and diagnostic codes into layman’s terms and providing comprehensive explanations of e.g. laboratory results. Key features could include translating physician notes into patient-friendly language, interpreting laboratory values with context from validated medical sources, or explaining the implications of medical correspondence. The tool should leverage a curated list of validated sources such as „,“ reputable self-support groups, and hotline recommendations depending on the possible medical condition to ensure accurate and reliable information. Optionally, it could offer geo-based suggestions for local specialists for further treatment options or second opinions, and connection to regional self-support groups.

Starting in January 2025, the structure of the electronic patient record (ePA) will change due to the introduction of the “ePA for everyone”. We’re looking for innovative ideas on how to transform the ePA from a system that treats symptoms to one that focuses on prevention and active patient engagement, opening up new possibilities beyond storing patient data. Your challenge is to design an embedded tool within the ePA that can analyze data and provide proactive health reminders, such as upcoming screenings. Consider the technical requirements and data formats necessary for this transformation. Additionally, explore how digital health applications (DiGA) can integrate seamlessly with ePA, creating synergies rather than simply storing unstructured data.

  • München: TI-Messenger: Less Administrative Processes, More Time for Care! von der gematik

Communication in the healthcare sector is often very analog – usually by telephone, letter or fax. These administrative processes cost doctors and patients a lot of time, money and nerves. Fortunately, there are now good ways to digitize paper-based processes. And not just on a small scale – but via a central digitization lever of the telematics infrastructure: the TI Messenger. In combination with automation, bots and AI, this communication channel has the ability to relieve administrative processes and focus on what is important: communication between people.

Develop an Artificial Intelligence (AI) that reads PDF forms and automatically provides a preliminary assessment to create a transfer report. The AI should determine whether no care level, at least care level 1, or at least care level 2 is present. It is important to emphasize that this assessment is only preliminary and does not replace a complete care report. The complex process of creating a full report is not replaced (it is merely a recommendation).

  • München: Flex-Schedule: Dynamic Waiting Lists for Hospital Appointments von der Klinik IT eG

Via the patient portal Mein-Krankenhaus.Digital, we connect over 100 hospitals with each other and with their patients. This allows patients to book appointments for treatments and register and prepare for them from home. But how do we deal with spontaneous absences? How can we bring together appointments that have become available at short notice and the needs of patients who are urgently waiting for treatment and are flexible in their scheduling?

  • Erlangen: Innovating Mammography – Enhancing Precision and Comfort in Needle Insertion for Biopsy von Siemens Healthineers

In the realm of mammography, precise needle insertion is crucial for both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. However, the current process can be challenging, leading to discomfort and anxiety for patients. We challenge you to transform the mammography journey into a more comfortable and reassuring experience for women. How can it be less daunting and what innovative solutions can be employed to ensure a smoother, more supportive experience for patients?

  • Erlangen: Elevating Patient Education and Experience – Bridging the Gap to Accessible Care von Siemens Healthineers

In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, patients face an overwhelming influx of information. Imagine creating personalized digital assistants that offer tailored support, educating patients about their unique disease pathways and treatment plans. These intuitive companions would empower patients by providing accurate information at their fingertips, transforming the journeys from overwhelming to empowering. Your participation can lead to transformative changes, making healthcare accessible, understandable, and supportive across all facets of care.

  • Erlangen/München: A Companion App for Menopause that Truly Understands its Users von Bionorica

Develop a groundbreaking menopause app that leverages machine learning and diverse data sources to deliver empathetic support and guidance to women. This app will be the ultimate pocket companion, offering personalized recommendations to alleviate symptoms. It will set the standard for enhancing therapy adherence, education, and tracking. Menopause typically affects all women between the ages of 40 and 55. Many experience significant symptoms during this time, and while medication can alleviate some of these issues, additional support is often necessary. To address this need, we aim to develop a digital companion that offers empathetic and personalized understanding for each patient.


Aufgrund des großen Interesses, unseren Hackathon mitzugestalten, nehmen wir vorerst keine weiteren Challenges für den Healthcare Hackathon Bayern 2024 an.

Wenn Sie eine spannende Idee für eine Challenge haben, nehmen Sie trotzdem gern Kontakt zu uns auf – nach dem Hackathon ist vor dem Hackathon!

Wenn für dieses Jahr wieder Bedarf an weiteren Challenges besteht, informieren wir Sie hier darüber.


Zum Healthcare Hackathon Bayern sind IT-Experten, Pflegekräfte, Ärzte, Azubis, Studenten und alle, die etwas im Gesundheitswesen bewegen wollen, herzlich eingeladen. Wir kommen mit Euch in Erlangen und München zusammen, um innovative Ideen in echte Lösungen oder schon Produkte umzusetzen.

Für unsere Hacker und Sponsoren ist der Hackathon kostenlos, inklusive Verpflegung. Für die Hacker gibt es zudem die Chance auf einen Gewinn (genaueres hierzu geben wir zeitnah bekannt).

Für diejenigen, die lediglich als Gast ohne eine aktive Rolle teilnehmen möchten, besteht die Möglichkeit gegen eine Teilnahmegebühr von 119€.


Donnerstag, 24.10.2024

ab 16:00 Uhr – Check-In
17:00 Uhr – Begrüßung
17:15 Uhr – Vorstellung der Challanges und Impulse
19:15 Uhr – Netzwerken beim Abendessen
21:30 Uhr – Ende Tag 1

Freitag, 25.10.2024

ab 8:00 Uhr – Check-In
9:00 Uhr – Recap-Challenges und Hackathon Start
ab 9:30 Uhr – Hacken bis der Arzt kommt
13:00 Uhr – Snacks zum Mittagessen
ab 14:00 Uhr – Hacken bis der Arzt kommt
23:00 Uhr – Ende Tag 2

Samstag, 26.10.2024

9:00 Uhr – Beginn Tag 3
ab 9:00 Uhr – Hacken bis der Arzt kommt
13:00 Uhr – Mittagessen mit Sponsoren und Jury
14:00 Uhr – Begrüßung und Recap
ab 14:15 Uhr – Pitches der Challenges
18:00 Uhr – Impulse und Beratung der Jury
19:00 Uhr – Siegerehrung
19:30 Uhr – Ende des Hackathons



Siemens Innovation Center
Henkestraße 127
91052 Erlangen


Design Offices Macherei
Weihenstephaner Straße 12
81673 München


Hier geht es zur Anmeldung.

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