6th German-Taiwanese Call for Proposals for Joint R&D Projects

The German Institute in Taipei and the Taipei Representative Office in the Federal Republic of Germany are announcing a call for proposals for joint R&D projects!

Applicants are expected to develop ready-to-market solutions for products, technology-based services or methods in all technological and application areas which have strong market potential. The Taipei Representative Office in the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Institute in Taipei will respectively provide access to public funding for joint projects as well as all necessary assistance to project partners during all the project proposals, evaluation and monitoring phases.

AIIP PO and AiF Projekt GmbH will evaluate the submitted proposals independently and communicate the results within about 5 months after receiving the proposals.

Financing: Eligible project participants from Germany and Taiwan will finance their projects from the national funding schemes and complementarily from their own resources.
Submission: 1st February 2023 – 29th September 2023

All participants are expected to file one short common proposal in English, legally signed by all organizations participating in the project, and a draft consortium agreement (not yet signed and in English) that regulates the terms of cooperation between all partners.

The common proposal form is available here.
The common proposal and the draft consortium agreement have to be sent electronically to tw_de_cfp@itri.org.tw and zim-international@aif-projekt-gmbh.de.

Interested? Check out the minimum requirements and guidelines.


AiF Projekt GmbH
Mr. Christian Fichtner
Tschaikowskistraße 49 13156 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 48163-590
Fax: +49 30 497907-93
Mail: c.fichtner@aif-projekt-gmbh.de

Industry, Science and Technology International Strategy Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute
Dr. Frank Shiu
Rm. 812, Bldg. 51, No. 195, Sec. 4, Chung Hsing Rd.,
Chutung, Hsinchu, 31040, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Phone: +886 3 5915562
Mail: jwshiu@itri.org.tw

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