
Start | Projects | digiOnko


“Integrative concept for personalized precision medicine in prevention, early detection, therapy and prevention of relapse using the example of breast cancer”.

digiOnko is a project of the Bavarian Innovation Alliance against Cancer and is aimed at women and patients who want to find out more about the topics of breast cancer prevention and early detection as well as therapy and aftercare.

  • Implementation of a project governance structure as well as the establishment of a Stakeholder Advisory Board
  • Implementation of sustainable project management and project controlling structures
  • Activation of interfaces in the Medical Valley ecosystem
  • Marketing of the project and the project results (real/virtual)
  • Administrative coordination of the project with the project sponsor and the StMGP
  • Project marketing (events, press relations, establishment of the “digiOnko” brand)
  • Connection to the validation platform and the regulatory requirements of the DVG
  • Reporting from the project to the project sponsor

Making Bavaria a driver of innovation against cancer through better access to new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Project Responsibilities

Marco Wendel

Managing Director

Lukas Carl

Project Management

Yvonne Dauer


Project Participants