EIT Health Catapult
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EIT Health Catapult

Competitive and mentoring/coaching program that introduces lifescience and healthtech startups to leading experts and investors across Europe.
- Selection of startups from the EIT Health regions across Europe (30 startups per year in the program)
- Mentoring & coaching for startups by experts in different fields (both continuous coaching (2 x 3 months) and targeted “training days”)
- Presentation of startups to European investors (through marketing materials, email campaigns, etc. and specific public events)
- Acquiring sponsors for the program (currently Merck, AstraZeneca, AWS, among others)
- Conducting a startup competition (finals during Bits & Pretzels HealthTech).
„fast-tracking Europe’s best startups“
Project Responsibilities

Dorothea Hellerbrand
Project Managment
Project Participants