IHK Nürnberg für Mittelfranken

Logo industrie- und Handelskammer Nürnberg

All companies are obligated by law to be members of the IHK. This makes the IHK a very powerful and mutually supportive group that voices the interests of its members. Innovations determine a company’s performance and success. Companies need partners for research, development and marketing of new products, technologies and services. IHK’s business area Innovation | Environment supports and connects regional companies. The IHK informs you about trends and funding opportunities and brings you together with the right partners.

Your Contact Person(s)

Dr.-Ing. Robert Schmidt
Leiter IHK-Geschäftsbereich Innovation | Umwelt;
Grundsatzfragen Innovations-, Industrie-, Technologie-, Digital-, Energie- und Umweltpolitik
Phone: +49 911 1335 1299
E-Mail: robert.schmidt@nuernberg.ihk.de

Dr. rer. nat. Elfriede Eberl
IHK-Referentin für Innovation, Forschung, Hochschulen, Technologietransfer
Phone: +49 911 1335 1431
E-Mail: elfriede.eberl@nuernberg.ihk.de

Relationships with other organizations

Bayerischer Industrie- und Handelskammertag (BIHK)
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