ALLISTRO is a private equity investment company founded by mid-market entrepreneurs. Our focus is on succession planning for innovative midmarket entrepreneurs of the DACH region.
We support successful medium-sized companies with sales volumes of €5 million to € 30 million, which are based in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland at a wide range of investment occasions, such as succession planning, growth phases or corporate spin-offs.
ALLISTRO invests exclusively in companies that benefit in the long term from current demographic trends as well as from new technological achievements. In particular these include medical technology, electrical engineering, or machine technology.
This also means, that for example in the field of medical technology we do not only look at the producer of the medical technical device but also at companies producing components or materials for these devices or service providers in this field.
ALLISTRO invests in companies with vital traditional values as basis for future success. We understand our role as being a strategic partner and initiator for the management of our investments. We thus support entrepreneurial conduct keeping the company independent.